Hadoop存储系统之Apache Kudu 1.3.1诞生

编辑:光环大数据 来源: 互联网 时间: 2017-11-09 13:20 阅读:

  Apache Kudu 1.3.1 发布了。Apache Kudu 1.3.1是一个错误修复版本,它解决了Apache Kudu 1.3.0中发现的关键性问题。 特别是修复了在某些节点故障序列之后可能误删数据的错误,更新内容如下:

  KUDU-1962 Fixed a NullPointerException in the Java client in the case that the Kudu master is overloaded at the time the client requests location information. This could cause client applications to hang indefinitely regardless of configured timeouts.

  KUDU-1963 Fixed cases in which the Java client could log NullPointerException or SSLException stack traces in the case that it was closed while in the process of connecting to a server.

  KUDU-1607 Fixed a case in which a tablet replica on a tablet server could retain blocks of data which prevented it from being fully deleted.

  KUDU-1933 Fixed an issue in which a tablet server would crash and fail to restart after a single tablet received more than two billion write operations. Upgrading to Kudu 1.3.1 or later will allow a server which previously experienced this issue to restart.


  KUDU-1968 Fixed an issue in which the tablet server would delete an incorrect set of data blocks after an aborted attempt to copy a tablet from another server. This would produce data loss in unrelated tablets.



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